Newsletter Sep.2023

“Architecture is really about well-being. On the one hand it’s about shelter, I think
that people want to feel good in a space... but it’s also about Pleasure”
- Zaha Hadid
How many units can I get there?
This is a question we are often asked by our clients.
The number of units that can be accommodated must comply with the minimum GIA (GROSS INTERNAL AREA) standards plus the associated communal areas based on the available space on the site. It is crucial to meet these standards to fully maximise the project’s potential. Our Space Design Appraisal service can assess the
viability of a project with regards to the number of units and the best layout.

We are about to start our last quarter of the year, and looking at how our lives and intricately related businesses are doing can feel like ‘Doomsday’. This can be for some of us as SME businesses a stressful time. For our architecture practice, it is the same as for any other company. And yet, there is a bonus. We still have a good period ahead of us to make 2023 a great year! It may be the sunny late Summer evenings or the fact that we work and live by the river Thames in a town that embraces the seasons. Windsor is full of beautiful corners, restaurants and cafes where we can enjoy seeing the world go by. Or it may be our creative minds that switch to positive thinking when we do our design work. But despite being bombarded with sometimes gloomy news about the cost of living crisis and how the county’s economy is barely staying out of a recession, our clients and we are in an optimistic mood. As we discuss and plan ahead, let’s remember the massive storms we endured, and yet we keep serving our clients, providing positive strategies to make their projects extraordinarily successful. Enthusiasm and optimism are our secret sauce. If this resonates with you, we want to hear about your ideas about property development.

How we achieved an extra 30% additional profit through planning gain for our clients. The site was a period three-storey building with a recent addition to the rear. The space was used as offices. The client purchased the site to convert the upper floors into flats and retain the ground floor shop. We provided a
design that maximised the available space, providing four self-contained units, including an additional apartment. By bringing in our unique ‘space planning’ method, we achieved 4 units, where there were only 3 originally to be had. The project gained permitted development consent to change the use of the building from office to residential - Class MA. This project is now under construction.

A guide to achieving full potential in your property development project!
We are architects that create vibrant, innovative and eco-aware legacy architecture. We pride ourselves on the enjoyment of the processes we bring for what we call the architecture of ‘mindful happiness’.
Our purpose is to create spaces that embrace human emotions. If you want to build a sustainable refurbishment project, you ought to read our guide;
A checklist of priorities
You will find details about the 5 pillars to property
1- Working with a power team of professionals that
understands your specific project requirements.
2- Understanding the main considerations about the
site context and the location aspects.
3- Developing a full project strategy to take forward
to the planning phase.
4- Understanding the construction rules and regulations
that affect the subsequent implementation
5- Establishing the cost and risk control structure to