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Newsletter Nov.2023

30 November 2023
In the office

“Good ideas come from everywhere. It is more important to recognise a good idea than to author it.”

-Jeanne Gang


How do I measure that I am getting a fair ROD (Return On Design)?

As Ralf Speth’s famous quote explains; ‘If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the price of bad design’. There is always a return on investment on good design.


There is excitement in creation, particularly when a spark of an idea can be turned into a large, permanent feature in the cityscape. There is also excitement in innovation, as without the required ‘out of the box’ thinking most dreams would not become true.

From the day we step into architecture school, we learn that as an architect we are only as good as the team we surround ourselves with. Carrying the idea of a building design through from conception to a habitable structure is not for the fainthearted. As architects, we learn to embrace collaboration with everyone who has any degree of input in the complex field of the built environment. This can be rewarding but also very challenging at times, particularly when the collaborators have different views and perspectives.

At Inhabitat we take pride in our studio work as a cohesive team and we cherry-pick the external consultants we bring to the table to work with our clients. Every project is crafted in its unique way by bringing the right team together. Creativity and innovation have their roots in the ancient art of collaboration. When our clients bring the spark of an idea to share it with us, this marks the beginning of an exciting adventure into innovation. We can make a project process that follows as rewarding and unique, financially profitable and worth the investment. We call this the ROD ‘Return on Design’. Do you want to know more? Let’s book a time to talk.



Return On Design - Planning approval for garage to bungalow conversion

Four new units

Our clients purchased a Royal British Legion site in Maidenhead, which we successfully transformed into four elegant new build 3 and 4 bedroom properties. The success story continues as adjacent land has recently been granted planning permission for a new bungalow.

Inhabitat Architects played a key role in overcoming initial design limitations, including a withdrawn maisonettes planning application and an application refusal for two semi-detached houses. Our work included in-depth consideration regarding volume and architectural character to ensure the area is not over- developed and preserves a street presence. The work was vital to ensure adherence to the RBWM local plan, which incorporates policies emphasising sustainability, placemaking, light pollution, and spatial strategies.

The approved planning application prioritised strategies such as footprint reduction, implementation of animal -friendly features, and enhancement of light and safety zones around access routes to the property. This project exemplifies our commitment to responsible development and a return on investment through thoughtful design!

Approved proposal

Tell us about your Commercial Project

Contact us or scan the QR code to fill out our questionnaire!

Are you looking to develop a commercial property? Our Commercial Questionnaire is the critical first step of a project.

It is carefully crafted to help you identify your project’s fundamental aspirations and considerations. Our team will work with you to fully understand your project’s essential details, such as viability, site constraints, conservation areas, and flooding risks, before meeting to discuss it further. We will work with you further on how you envision the site, such as the number of units and how to cater to the projects users. Particular views and surrounding landscape can be enhanced further through the design development. All these factors can add value to a property and return on investment.

You can come into our office for coffee and a free initial consultation to chat about the project.
