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Newsletter January.2024

27 January 2024


New year, new beginnings... and yet it is business as usual at our busy studio by the Thames. Clients and collaborators share their goal-setting targets and New Year resolutions. What a great opportunity to pause and reset!

For us, the excitement is focused instead on continuing to work as a joyful and cohesive creative team. We do this by working more and more on our individual gifts and in alignment with the inner strength of our voice. The name of our game is ‘staying true to ourselves’. Expect to see the increased flow of creative ideas, the strategic graceful thinking and the methodical implementation of every project totally

refined. As we embrace our authenticity unapologetically, we open up a space for our clients to not only be part of this but become the centre stage.

Watch this space! Or even better, if this resonates with you, come and join this space!



How did we achieve Permitted Development for a property in Windsor?

Thanks to Manni Chopra Titans Co-founder, for this interview.

Previously a historical coach house, this office to domestic conversion in the centre of Windsor was initially refused due to low ceiling height and small windows. However, we gained approval by submitting additional information to meet PD demands with Class MA, which allows change of use for Class E spaces.

For PD approval, consider these five criteria:

- Sufficient Parking

- Minimum Room Standards

- Adequate Daylighting

- Bin Storage

- Potential Site Contamination

Watch the video on our YouTube for a full explanation!

power team


Collaboration is key to the success of any project, especially a property development. It is essential to

think carefully about who you include in your team to ensure that you are bringing in professionals with specialised knowledge suited for your project. It is also important to appreciate that the expertise you need may change as the project progresses. Make sure to collaborate with your ‘power team’ to help you develop a strategy to reduce risks. With them guiding the project, you can benefit from :

1. Staying Within Budget

2. Working to an Efficient Schedule

3. Overcoming Legal and Regulatory Challenges

4. High Quality Design / Functionality

5. Unmatched Quality Control

6. Community Cooperation

7. No Missed Opportunities

Having the right team of collaborators can positively impact a property development project by mitigating costly issues and avoiding unnecessary delays.



Whether you are considering renovating your home, refurbishing a building, or looking at property development, we are here to help with the initial steps. Our process starts with a questionnaire, leading to a needs and options review and viability report for your project.

The Initial Enquiry Questionnaire can help you identify your project’s fundamental aspirations and considerations. We will work with you to fully understand your project’s essential details, such as your preferred design concepts and whether your project falls within Permitted Development rules or requires Planning Permission.

Once we receive your completed questionnaire, we can schedule a 30-minute consultation at a convenient time for you, either in our Windsor studio or online. There is no charge for this consultation.