Newsletter Jan.23

“If you can clearly articulate the dream or the goal, start.”
-Simon Sinek- Adrian Forty-
As we return after the Christmas holidays to our desks in our riverside studio, the talk has been about the exciting projects we are currently working on for our clients. Inevitably, the clients that have already been in touch are the ones benefitting the most. Refreshed from our break we’re hitting the road running by picking up where we left off in December or sharing our fresh creative ideas for new projects with clients.
We love this time of the year because our clients are all on purpose and have the clarity that creates massive momentum. Not surprisingly, looking back at 2022, our most successful projects were the ones that started at the beginning of the year.
In his book “Start with Why?” author Simon Sinek tackles this question, inviting us to put our “why” as
the anchor. When you know why you’re doing something, why you started in the first place, and why
you’re making the choices you make, it’s much easier to keep going when it gets rough. You can reflect on
your mission and purpose and ensure your next steps keep you aligned on your path to success. This totally applies to your architecture project. Greatness awaits and if you’re lacking the motivation to power through the tough times, take a step back and simply remember why you started in the first place?

We are architects that create vibrant, innovative and eco-aware legacy architecture. We pride ourselves on enjoying the processes we bring for what we call the architecture of mindful happiness. Our purpose is to create spaces that embrace human emotions.

Our client Michelle Malham has sent us a Christmas gift in the form of a fabulous review.
“ I moved just in time to celebrate Christmas with my family to our fully extended and refurbished home. I am grateful to Sandra and her team, that have kept the vision and encour-aged me during the whole process. As an experienced property developer, I am used to working on-site but executing my own home project to the high standards I set out was completely new to me. I couldn’t be happier with the final result, a beautifully crafted home delivered on time and on a budget! ”
The success of Michelle’s project is inextricably linked to her vision and purpose. She allowed us to guide her through our processes from the beginning. She started with our original Project Planning Pack checklist, which now had been revised and updated to a full Project Planning Pack. This free booklet is designed to get you started on your building journey and help you foresee the pitfalls and risks. Simply request our helpful guide and book an informal chat over a cup of coffee with us.

A delightful house in the Ascot countryside has been extended by Inhabitat Architects, with enhanced living space to enjoy the surrounding natural scenery.
1. Your project road map
Review the roadmap and identify where you are on your journey.
2. Building Cost Estimator
The simple do-it-yourself way to estimate your numbers.
3. Questions you should ask
Ask the right questions to pick out the right Architect.
4. Myth vs. Reality
An architect’s role is a lot larger than most people realize.
5. How to Create a Design Brief
Exploring your project needs & options.
6. Readiness Slider
Are you ready to move to the design phase?

Request our free Project Planning Pack
A useful checklist of priorities that can make a difference in your 2023 project planning.